How Are Non-Healthcare Professionals Creating a Revolution in Healthcare Through Consumer Apps?

As part of the Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers (KPCB) Leadership Salon series, KPCB Partner Beth Seidenberg hosted a panel of leaders in the booming digital health field. Ray Bradford, Founder & CEO of Spruce Health, Jason Oberfest, Co-Founder and CEO of Mango Health, and Andrew Rosenthal, Group Manager for Platform and Wellness of Jawbone, discussed the genesis of their various products, the increased need for privacy and data security, as well as how digital health can help revolutionize how consumers interact with their medical providers.
Cloud Services + HIPAA = compliance? The Spruce Health Perspective
In this clip, Ray Bradford of Spruce Health, a virtual medicine app that allows users to visit and share information with a dermatologist through their phones, discusses how his company ensures HIPAA compliance and both doctors’ and patients’ trust in the product.
Jawbone Knows How Much Sleep Was Lost After the Napa Valley Earthquake
When Napa Valley’s 6.0 earthquake hit in August 2014, most people who had felt it tried to go back to sleep. Not Jawbone’s Andrew Rosenthal: he set to work trying to discover what Jawbone devices could tell him about how much sleep had been lost due to the quake. In this clip, he discusses both his innovative approach to data gathering and how data-driven real-time analytics can integrate into the broader healthcare system.
Mango Health on How to Get Users Addicted to Your App
Taking medicine isn’t fun. But adding an element of gamification to the process can make it not just fun, but addictive. In this clip, Jason Oberfest of Mango Health discusses how his team has built an app that makes something as mundane as taking a pill “a little more interesting and hopefully delightful for people.”
The Elephant in the Room: What Does Apple Watch Mean to Jawbone?
To Andrew Rosenthal, new entrants into the smartwatch market aren’t necessarily a threat: “The more we can make it open, the better we all get. The more we can make some of these features accessible to third parties, the faster we’re going to see innovation.” In this clip, he discusses not just the competition, but his vision of the future of the wearables industry.
Moving from “Big Data” to “Smart Data” in Digital Health
Wearables and other digital health tools have the ability to gather an unprecedented amount of data from patients. What’s the best way to turn this data into meaningful diagnostic information for doctors and patients alike? Ray Bradford shares his thoughts on what can be done across the industry to reach this goal.
Attracting Engineers to Work in Healthcare
Jason Oberfest contends that while it may be lucrative to build ad optimization software, engineers and other talent interested in having a positive impact on the world should be drawn to digital health companies. Ray Bradford agrees that the self-selective aspect of working in healthcare ends up creating stronger companies.