The Florence of Tech – Poem

Welcome to our world, all 76 of you in number.
You have very high potential, and we couldn’t feel humbler.
You are the top draft picks from university! So it’s obvious that
Your resumes are better looking than your pics on Snapchat.
You’re joining cool companies, diverse and well founded,
Built on big ideas by great people, whose success is compounded.
You will push tight code, solve brilliant analytics, do great UX and then
You will party like rockstars led by Andy Chen.
Hack your business plan, meet co-founders, or find your employer for life.
And, if you have spare time for romance, meet your future husband or wife.
Fly an illegal drone, 3D print weapons, geek out on Google Glass,
And sleep even less than usual, because the summer goes fast.
Be inquisitive! Pay attention! Ask most excellent questions.
Don’t be offended if your VP ignores your suggestions.
Visit all the companies you can, learn by experience and osmosis,
And make sure you discover how great the West Coast is.
You are in the Florence of tech, so give it all you’ve got.
You can do things here that others just simply cannot.
Resources abound, the talent is dense,
You are in the epicenter now, where opportunity > rents.
Welcome to Silicon Valley, Fellows of 2014.
You might be in a hacker house, but you’re still living the dream.
Welcome to warp speed, stay focused and hyper,
And, who knows, you might actually found the next Pied Piper!
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